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Filtering Out Google Analytics Junk to Read Your Numbers Better

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton.

Web developers, content managers, marketing teams, and many other online professionals rely on Google Analytics to understand visitor trends. However, you can run into a significant amount of noise, which can skew your Google Analytics numbers and your subsequent interpretations of this data.

Luckily, you can filter out certain types of traffic, so that your numbers don’t get watered down by your own traffic, Web crawlers, or duplicated because of web address letter case discrepancies. Here are three main filters to consider setting as you move forward with a Google analytics strategy.

Cutting Out Internal Traffic

Every time you and your colleagues navigate throughout your website, it can skew your traffic numbers. Luckily, you can filter these out of your Google Analytics reports, so that you get a more accurate representation of your traffic.

Just head over to your Admin page and select “Filters” under the “View” column. Next, click on “+New Filter” and make sure that the “Create New Filter” bubble is selected.

Name your filter something like “Exclude office traffic” or “Exclude home traffic.” Choose the “Custom Filter” option, then select “IP address” from the dropdown menus.

When you enter the IP address in the Filter pattern field, you’ll need to use backslashes before each dot, according to Google’sregular expressions requirements.

Excluding Bots and Spiders

It can be extremely frustrating to examine your web traffic data, only to see that certain recurring bots and spiders are accountable to a large chunk of the pie. Luckily, Google istaking proactive measures to protect Analytics users from these annoyances.

You can opt into Google’s automated bot and spider filtering by going to your Admin panel, clicking on “Reporting View Settings” and checking off the box that reads, “Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders.” However, some bots and spiders will still be able to leak through. You can target these individual irritants by creating a new filter, selecting “Custom” and then choosing “Visitor ISP Organization.” Then enter the service provider of the bot using a regular expression.

Keep an eye on your analytics, and be sure to create manual filters for additional bots that attempt to sneak past you. This can prevent bothersome bots and spiders from skewing your website’s data.

Enforcing Lowercase

If visitors enter an URL into their browser or click links that use a mix of uppercase and lowercase characters, then you could wind up with duplicate Google Analytics entries for the same destination. Luckily, you can fix this issue by creating a filter.

Just create a brand new filter and call it something like “Force Lowercase.” Choose “Custom,” click on the “Lowercase” bubble, and select “Request URI.” Once this is done, you should stop seeing multiple entries when browsers load up a page using different letter cases.

Increase the accuracy of your Google Analytics traffic data by using filters to cut through the noise. Don’t allow your metrics to become skewed by your own internal traffic, spiders and bots, or by web addresses that contain a mixture of letter cases.

Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Originally at:

Filtering Out Google Analytics Junk to Read Your Numbers Better

Dazzle & Connect With Your Audience with these 7 Storytelling Strategies

16900939_6c103aeef1_z Dazzle & Connect With Your Audience with these 7 Storytelling Strategies

Image via Flickr user Digital Paradox.

This is a guest contribution from writer Thai Nguyen.

After finally asking the young lady for a date, the nervous young man asked his father how to avoid moments of awkward silence.

His father quickly responded, “Son, when it comes to conversation, all you have to remember are three things: food, family, and philosophy, and you’ll have plenty to talk about”

The night of the date came, and so did the awkward silence. Recalling his father’s advice, he quickly asked about food:

“Mary, do you like asparagus?”

“No,” she replied. “I don’t really care for it.”

Met with more silence, he asked about family:

“Mary, do you have any brothers?”

“No,” she replied. “I don’t have any brothers.”

With no luck, he turned to philosophy:

“Mary…if you had a brother…would he like asparagus?”

And that, my friend, is philosophy.

That simple story is better than any textbook for explaining what is philosophy. Indeed, ancient cave paintings have long affirmed modern neuroscience—humans learn and communicate best through stories.

People will remember your name when it’s connected with a compelling story; you’ll bore investors with facts and figures but capture them if they’re wrapped in a story.

Whether it’s creating a memorable brand or connecting deeper with customers, here are seven essentials for effective storytelling:

1. Opening and closing the curiosity gap

What if I told you your income could be tripled in less than one month?

It may be snake oil, but it perked enough of your interest to hear the rest of the story and pitch. Storytellers call it an “inciting incident.” We have curiosity wired into us, tapping into that through provocative questions opens the window wide for the rest of your elevator pitch.

2. Evoking VAK

Psychologists and therapists use VAK—visual, audio, and kinesthetic modalities to immerse a person into a desired experience or state.

When the mind begins to imagine and think through emotional and sensory experiences, parts of the brain light up as if they’re actually happening.

Using these cues by describing the adrenaline racing through your body, or the tragedy that brought you to tears, will immerse a person from passively listening to the story, to feeling like an active participant.

3. Conflict and resolution

Whether it’s your business proposal or product demo, two traditional storytelling elements you don’t want to leave out are conflict and resolution.

Have you identified a problem, and explained how your product brings a resolution? Shawn Coyne from The Story Grid says a common mistake for entrepreneurs is presenting heavily from a developer’s angle and ignoring a consumer’s perspective.

Approach conflict and resolution like a consumer, and tell your product’s story like a satisfied customer.

4. Appealing to the higher self

Whether crafting your own personal goals or presenting a vision to a company, we can’t fight our survival mechanism’s self-interest. So why not leverage selfish motives? Fuel for achieving a future goal comes with presenting a better version of ourselves, or a better version of the customer.

The story of the tortoise and the hare will be more compelling if it ends with you celebrating in your mansion by the beach after signing up to your investment plan. The personal image of being an environmental savior is enough for many to spend extra on a Tesla.

5. Shock and awe

Humans think in patterns. We process the vast exposure to information and try to spit out a logical understanding. A break in that linear pattern is like a splash of icy water on your face. That’s why movies like The Sixth Sense, Fight Club, Romeo & Juliet are capturing. The twist endings created a mental pattern break.

It doesn’t need to happen at the end. A paradoxical opening statement for a speech is a common attention grabber. Incorporating pattern breaks anywhere within a story increases effectiveness.

6. Build a catalog of illustrations

Everyone knows the story of the Good Samaritan, perhaps even the Prodigal Son. Jesus’ teaching are known through his compelling parables.

Use personal experiences to build a catalog of metaphors and illustrations and add more color to your stories. The time you drove past three gas stations and then ended up on the side of the road with an empty tank can later highlight to your staff the importance of checking email notifications or, to your investor, how your new app will save people from disaster.

7. Internal and external components

Just as Stephen King said, “Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie.” There are layers. A good story doesn’t just present raw content, but uses vehicles to deliver it. That’s the power in allegories and discovering the moral to a story.

Before crafting your story, decide what elements will be latent and what will be obvious. Facts and figures are best delivered under the surface. Promoting your product’s new features as raw content won’t be as effective as layering them underneath a traveling husband talking ‘face-to-face’ with his daughter.

A refugee from Vietnam, raised in Australia, with a BA from Texas, Thai’s unique background is reflected in his work. He writes for The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, and The Utopian Life. Having been a professional chef, international kickboxer, and spiritual teacher, Thai is passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves. Signup for his free weekly Infographics at TheUtopianLife.com | Connect @ThaiWins | On Facebook

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

Dazzle & Connect With Your Audience with these 7 Storytelling Strategies

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

One of the best types of web designs for your website is a responsive web design. This is the type of web design that works on a multitude of devices. This includes PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices that can reach the Internet. Without responsive web design, it just means that the company needs a website for each different device and resolution. This is impossible for most websites. Fortunately, the alternative comes in the form of a responsive web design. With the approach that responds based on the user’s environment, screen size and platform, you will present a greater online experience to the end user that visits your site.

The practice of responsive web design involves flexible grids, images and different types of media. The website should be able to keep up with the switching of online devices. As the user switches from one device to the other, the website should be able to automatically switch according to the screen size, resolution and other abilities of the other device. This method takes away the need to create a site for different devices. The technology and method of creating a responsive web design is probably a big task to figure out for the webmaster. Fortunately, there are options that the webmaster can look into.

A webmaster can hire a Long Island Web Designer who has extensive knowledge on creating a flexible design for his site. In a reasonable amount of time, a website that is accessible across all platforms will be available. The webmaster does not have to worry about losing visitors because they do not have the right device to view his website on. He can experience the full advantage of running a high traffic website without having to spend hours trying to figure out a way to make it work. The Long Island freelance web developer already has the hard part figured out.

More visitors across platforms also means more profit. Among the many features of mobile devices is the ability to make payments. This is another reason that you want to use responsive web design. The most financially successful websites and blogs are those that are accessible across every type of device. While PCs and laptops are still in good use, a growing number of people are using a multitude devices to visit the Internet. Being able to successfully switch your site will make things more convenient for the user.

There are plenty of different screen sizes to put into consideration. While there are major categories that you can group them into. However, the usage figures are very unpredictable. Another thing to consider is that a lot of users do not maximize the screen. In many cases, they view a multitude of websites at once as their devices allow them to.

Flexibility is the solution to everything. This is what responsive web design offers for the user. Just a few years ago, many websites did not have the luxury of a flexible layout. Also, anything that was considered flexible at the time was not really all that flexible. Images often broke layouts and couldn’t adjust based on computer screens. Now, online flexibility has improved to the point that layouts are a lot harder to break. There is the issue of legibility when it comes to switching between devices.

With the help of a NY PHP developer, you can build a very powerful website with responsive web design. While responsive web design does not solve the problem completely, it does provide needed improvements to the web experience. It does make the experience more tolerable for people who surf the Internet across a multitude of devices such as a netbook and a smartphone. It is not to be seen as the total solution to the problems of the mobile Internet. As usual, adjustments need to be made as new devices are created and released. In the end, the highest priority is the experience that is given to the user. It is important to give the user the most enjoyable experience possible from using your website. You don’t want a user to just visit your site. You want the user to keep coming back due to the positive experience he gets no matter what device he uses. As the Internet goes mobile, it is important to adapt with the technology.

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Matthias Noback: A better PHP testing experience Part I: Moving away from assertion-centric testing

Matthias Noback has a new post today, part one in a series, looking at moving away from assertion-centric testing and more towards descriptive unit tests.

In the introduction article of this series I quickly mentioned that I think unit testing often focuses too much on assertions. […] I used to preach these things myself too (yes, “development with tests” often comes with a lot of preaching). But now I don’t follow these rules anymore. I will shortly explain my reasons. But before I do, let’s take a step back and consider something that is known as the Test framework in a tweet, by Mathias Verraes.

He breaks up the rest of the article into three sections, each with a few paragraphs of description and code where appropriate:

  • Something is the case, or not
  • Only one assertion for each test?
  • Write assertions first and then work towards them?

He talks about the idea of “Arrange Act Assert” and makes some recommendations as to how to be more descriptive in your tests and make them easier to read and follow in the future.

Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/07/descriptive-unit-tests/

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