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NetTuts.com: Refactoring Legacy Code: Part 7 – Identifying the Presentation Layer

NetTuts.com has posted part seven in their “Refactoring Legacy Code” series today, continuing on with the refactor of their example application to improve maintainability and testability. In this latest article they focus in on the presentation layer.

In this seventh chapter of our refactoring tutorials, we will do a different type of refactoring. We observed in the past lessons that there is presentation related code scattered all over our legacy code. We will try to identify all the presentation related code that we can and we will then take the necessary steps to separate it from business logic.

The tutorial starts with a look at the Single Responsibility Principle (part of the SOLID design principles) and how it relates to the idea of clean architecture. They continue down the path of separating out the business logic and isolating it from the presentation layer (the display* handling). They create an “Extract” class that combines the logic and presentation though combination functionality. They walk you through the code, showing the changes you’ll need to make and the tests to match.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/refactoring-legacy-code-part-7-identifying-the-presentation-layer–cms-21593

That Podcast: A New Podcast from Beau Simensen & Dave Marshall

That Podcast, a new podcast series hosted by Beau Simensen and Dave Marshall has already posted several shows (four of them) talking about a wide range of topics including:

Each of the episodes has a list of links to the topics mentioned and let you listen either through an in-page player or by downloading the episode’s mp3. You can also subscribe to their feed to get their latest episodes.

Link: http://thatpodcast.io

Sound of Symfony: Episode 2 – Let’s talk about tests

The newer Sound of Symfony podcast has posted its second episode today, Let’s talk about tests, where hosts Magnus Nordlander and Tobias Nyholm are joined by Kacper Gunia to talk about unit testing and various other topics.

After an amazing response to our first episode, we once again cram up in the conference room to bring you our second episode. We go through the news, bring you hidden gems from Symfony, we talk about tests with Kacper Gunia, and find out what’s going on in the community.

Topics mentioned include the SensioLabs Security Advisories Checker, “hidden gems” like using multiple mailers and how to use matchers to enable the profiler conditionally. On the testing side they talk BDD, legacy code and repository classes in Doctrine. You can check out this latest episode through the in-page player. You can also subscribe to their feed to keep up with the latest episodes of the show.

Link: http://www.soundofsymfony.com/episode/episode-2/

A toolbox for less than $100 / month

Joshua Thijssen has shared his toolbox for less than $100/month that includes a complete set of development and project tools “on the cheap” but still good.

There are a lot of tools out there which can help you as a developer / self-employed contractor. And even though most of these tools are free (as in beer), I don’t mind spending a certain amount of money on tools that help me do my business. So with all the tools out there, all the paid plans, the freemiums and the trial periods, what can a crispy 100 dollar bill every month buy?

His list includes hosting (ServerGrove), issue tracking (Jira), team communication (HipChat) and online storage (Dropbox). His list is made up of eight services with almost all of them having a small cost. The online collaboration (Basecamp) and hosting (from ServerGrove) are the highest costs at $20USD/month.

Link: https://www.adayinthelifeof.nl/2014/07/01/a-toolbox-for-less-than-100-month/

Leonid Mamchenkov: CakePHP 3, here we go again.

In this new post Leonid Mamchenkov looks at the latest version of a PHP framework that’s been around since the PHP4 days, CakePHP, and some of the improvements that will come with version three.

Currently, I am at the start of a couple of projects, which require a bit of the future support. CakePHP 2.x can handle the job now, but I’m looking more into the next 3-5 years. And that’s why I’m looking at CakePHP 3, which is still in the early development stage, with an alpha release coming not too long from now (have a look at the CakePHP 3 roadmap document). Let’s have a look at the high level goals for CakePHP 3.

Among the items he mentions are things like:

  • The adoption of broader PHP community standards
  • An increase in modularity
  • Developing for PHP 5.4+
  • Composer support (and using PSR-4 autoloading)
  • The removal of some more complex, brittle code in favor of simpler, easier to extend options

Check out the roadmap and migration guides for full information.

Link: http://mamchenkov.net/wordpress/2014/07/01/cakephp-3-here-we-go-again/

Rob Allen: Z-Ray for Zend Server 7

In his latest post Rob Allen gives a “first look” at a new feature in the Zend Server (v7) product from Zend – Z-Ray. The z-Ray feature gives you a complete “under the covers” look at what your code is doing including resource use, database connections and processing time.

I’ve been running the beta for all my development work for a while now and the main reason is the new Z-Ray feature. Z-Ray is a bar that is injected into the bottom of your page showing lots of useful information.

His post shares some of the results he found with his development version of Joind.in and screenshots of the results. He shows the levels of detail available at each level, all directly in the browser. It even includes functionality to track all variables being created or used in the current execution.

Link: http://akrabat.com/software/z-ray-for-zend-server-7/

Loosely Coupled Podcast: Episode 7: Building a Testing Culture

The Loosely Coupled podcast has released episode #7 of their show: Building a Testing Culture. In this latest episode hosts Matt Frost and Jeff Carouth talk about their own experience with unit testing and make some recommendations on how to make it a priority in your group.

In this is episode Matt and Jeff discuss how to build a testing culture in your company. They discuss organization resistance, the importance of testing and how to move forward when the rest of your company is less than excited.

Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 07.02.2014

Recent releases from the Packagist:

Community News: Recent posts from PHP Quickfix

Recent posts from the PHP Quickfix site:

Symfony Blog: First Online Symfony Community Hack Day: July 5th!

On the Symfony blog today Ryan Weaver has posted a note about the first ever Symfony online community hack day coming up on July the 5th.

Last week, I talked about the Symfony Experience, and announced a new Developer Experience Initiative. […] And now it’s time to put our ideas into action, with the first community hack day on July 5th. This hack day is for everyone and we’ll focus on tasks from all around the Symfony world: the core code and third party bundles. This is our chance to really push on things that never quite get done as well as they could: third party bundle documentation, exception messages, shortcuts, etc.

The event will be happening on July 5th from 9am to 8pm Central European Time (3am to 2pm Eastern time in the US) and will be run from the #symfony channel on the Freenode IRC network. There’ll be plenty to do, so if you’re interested in getting involved, reach out to Ryan or Javier once you’re on and they can point you in the right direction. More information can be found on the Symfony blog.

Link: http://symfony.com/blog/first-online-symfony-community-hack-day-july-5th

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