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Anna Filina: Brute-force countermeasures

In her latest post Anna Filina has made some recommendations of countermeasures you can use to help prevent abuse against brute force attacks in your applications. The recommendations aren’t PHP-specific, but they’re a good guide and a place to start.

Password brute-forcing refers to trying all password permutations until the attacker finds the right one. Here are some of the most common ways to mitigate that risk: increase the length of the password and increase the number of possible characters. […] The human factor should not be ignored here. People often use letters in the beginning and numbers at the end.

She recommends a few other tactics to helping prevent the brute forcing including locking an account after a number of unsuccessful login attempts and requiring a CAPTCHA after a number of unsuccessful logins. She recommends not relying on a single method to help prevent this kind of attack, however. Multiple layers can only help, but be careful not to introduce too much complexity.

Link: http://afilina.com/brute-force-countermesures

PHPClasses.org: 7 Reasons Why TDD Failed to become Mainstream

In the latest PHPClasses.org post Manuel Lemos suggests severn reasons why TDD failed to become mainstream in most development communities. This is related to comments from an leader in another community about his perspective on the “TDD movement”.

Recently the creator of Ruby On Rails declared that TDD (Test Driven Development) is dead. Despite he used to be a supporter of TDD as the right way to do software development, he finally decided to announce that he really does not agree that TDD is really the right way. Read this article to learn more about what happened and what does this mean for developers that support TDD or not.

He starts with a brief look at what TDD (test-driven development) is and a link to a ThoughtWorks video of DHH talking about his new stance. Among his reasons are things like:

  • TDD is Expensive
  • You Will Change Your Projects and Old Tests Become Waste
  • Extensive Testing is Boring
  • Many TDD Preachers Do Not Use it Most of the Time But Do Not Admit it

Manuel shares some of his own opinions on the matter, though, pointing out that he doesn’t think TDD is dead. He suggests that it helps to “make you rethink” when developing and that your (and your development group’s) practices shouldn’t be influenced by outside opinions – use what works.

Link: http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/237-7-Reasons-Why-TDD-Failed-to-become-Mainstream.html

Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 06.11.2014

Recent releases from the Packagist:

[WSOOTD] Reputation Management Software Biz-In-Box Starting Your Own Business Has NEVER Been Easier

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Community News: Recent posts from PHP Quickfix

Recent posts from the PHP Quickfix site:

Evert Pot: HTTP/1.1 just got a major update.

While not specific to PHP, the HTTP specification that defines how web applications talk has gotten a major update in its latest version. In his latest post Evert Pot summarizes some of these changes and how they’ll impact the work you’re doing.

The IETF just published several new RFCs that update HTTP/1.1 […] These documents make the original specification for HTTP/1.1 obsolete. As a HTTP geek, this is a big deal.

These new RFCs include definitions of standards around message syntax and routing, conditional requests, authentication, the 308 status code and the forwarded HTTP extension. Evert gets into the details of some of the changes, pointing out the major changes first and places where ambiguity has been resolved. He also includes a list of other “interesting things that have changed” in these new specs including clarifications around dealing with unexpected whitespace, the removal of the default charset of ISO-8859-1 and that the 204, 404, 405, 414 and 501 status codes are now cacheable.

Link: http://evertpot.com/http-11-updated/

/Dev/Hell Podcast: Episode 46: Php[tek] 2014

The /Dev/Hell podcast has released their latest episode (episode #46) they they recorded live at php[tek] this year in Chicago. Hosts Ed Finkler and Chris Hartjes spent one evening at the conference discussing various topics with feed back included from the live audience.

php[tek] was once again upon us, so we did our annual live show! Special guest Paul Reinheimer of WonderNetwork joins us for much frivolity!

Topics mentioned in this latest episode include CoPilot, XHProf/XHProfUI and French signage laws in Quebec. You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player or by downloading the mp3. If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to their feed.

Link: http://devhell.info/post/2014-06-04/php-tek-2014/

Community News: Packagist Latest Releases for 06.10.2014

Recent releases from the Packagist:

Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 06.10.2014

Latest PECL Releases:

  • mongo 1.5.3
    * [PHP-928] – The ‘w’ property is read-only
    * [PHP-970] – Explain how to_index_string() creates names for ensureIndex() and deleteIndex()
    * [PHP-1052] – Replace JSON encoding of stream notifications with standard PHP serialize encoding
    * [PHP-1060] – “The ‘$id’ property is read-only”
    * [PHP-1096] – PHP crashes due to null pointer dereference on shutdown when JSON extension is not present
    * [PHP-1099] – socketTimeoutMS=-1 doesn’t work
    * [PHP-1102] – php driver throws exception when connect string contains an unresolvable hostname
    * [PHP-1104] – New Replica Set connections hang when secondaries are creating indexes during initialSync
    * [PHP-1109] – Upsert should return _id instead of array of ids

    ** Task
    * [PHP-1076] – Document deprecation notices for timeout and wtimeout options
    * [PHP-1078] – Document wTimeoutMS, socketTimeoutMS, and maxTimeMS for ensure/createIndex

  • uopz 2.0.5
    fix issue when closure in static scope replaces method

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