With the ever-changing Facebook algorithm, nothing but crickets on Twitter, and Instagram being a slow-moving feast, we’ve seen a huge response to our posts on the topic of social media this year. It’s like a beast we’re all desperate to tame. In this roundup there are a couple of videos and a few step-by-step tutorials showing how the experts do it – I hope you find them useful.
Check back tomorrow for the most popular general blogging tips we’ve published (think productivity, traffic, engagement), and catch up on our most popular posts on creating content and monetization.
Our Top Tips on Social Media 2015
7 Effective tips to Grow Your Social Media the Right Way
This thorough post covers everything from measuring audience demographics to tools to help you get an advantage. Bring a pen and notepad and take notes!
How to Build an Effective Social Media Workflow to Increase Your Traffic
In this video, Darren shared his own personal social media strategy for Digital Photography School, and in only 20 minutes a day! No wonder it was popular.
3 Steps to Saving Time by Writing Social Media Updates in Batches
I love this: “Scheduling updates in advance solves a number of social media’s most frustrating problems. It gives your routine newfound flexibility, and it can even make you a better blogger. But there’s one hurdle that scheduling alone doesn’t take care of for you: those updates still have to come from somewhere, and that means you have to write them.” – it’s so true! So Tom takes us through a bunch of ways we can cut down on the work for maximum social media results.
How I Use Edgar to Increase the Effectiveness of my Social Media Strategy
An update of sorts to the above article on Darren’s social media schedule – including ProBlogger’s social media (mostly Twitter) and a video tutorial to help you through creating a similar winning strategy.
The Step-by-Step Method of Making Your Content Shareable on Social Media
Another fantastic tutorial on helping you get your content social-share ready. Includes ways to get around common mistakes bloggers make – don’t miss it.
Special Mentions:
- Study Shows: Blog Posts Published on Weekends Get More Social Shares
- How to Choose What Social Media Space to Focus On
- Stay a Step Ahead on Social Media: Tips from SMX Social in Las Vegas
What did you find most useful? Do you have a solid social media schedule? What are your favourite tips?
Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of ProBlogger.net: a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama or be entertained on Facebook.